Anna and Shrimping net

Today I was the Granny you can shove off a bus.

His Lordship and I drove up to Elgin in Moray to visit son #1 and the twins. It was inservice day at their nursery school so they were at home with their dad while their mum was at work.

I seem to have a special effect on Anna and Finlay each time I visit, so that they become totally silent and refuse to say a word, looking at me as if I were about to do them some terrible mischief. It certainly doesn't make you feel good.

Not only that but the appearance of a camera makes them hide behind the nearest adult. Your own fault, I hear you say, for producing the said implement.
However this was only produced in the first instance to blip the colourful beach huts at Hopeman where we went for a walk accompanied by the Granny you cannae shove af a bus, and who happens to live there.

Although a blip of the beach huts was a serious contender for today, I've opted for Anna with her pink shrimping net.

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