
By LadyFindhorn

You Have Scored 300 With No Passes

Another rung of the blip ladder climbed today.

I think it must be fairly obvious that blipfoto has become an obsession with me.
Why else would an otherwise sane woman go out in the rain to pull up dandelions and daisies in order to assemble them into words and numbers on the grass?
I'm sure the builders next door to the Steading were wondering what on earth was going on.

Although my purpose as a blipper was ill defined at the beginning, I now see it as a way of making a photo diary of my life to read in the future, and I am delighted when others look at the photos, read my words and make the effort to comment. I do appreciate it, and so thank you all.

The mini heatwave of yesterday lost its way a bit this morning when we woke up to rain of the highland variety, soft and gentle, but wetting nevertheless.

After it cleared and the sun made a transient appearance, we walked over the hill to Carrbridge for lunch. We took the off-road Sustrans route7 which takes you on a stony path between fields of sheep and lambs who eye you warily, and then on a pine needled track through Glencarnie woods.
Although this route is for cyclists as well as walkers, I wouldn't like to attempt it on a road bike laden down with panniers because it can be quite rocky and hilly in places. Then the tarmac road to Carrbridge would be much more appealing.

In the woods all around this area we have noticed a large number of fir tree branches roughly broken off or completely bent double. We can only imagine this has been caused by the prolonged weight of snow over the winter.

We are now heading to the big metropolis of Aviemore to sample their cakes.......again.

PS No weeds have been hurt in the making of this blip.

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