All Those Pretty Things..

By erinsharp


Today was a very enjoyable day for me :) I had the whole day of doing nothing :) complete and utter bliss!

Woke up at 12:40 but only because my Dad insisted on calling the house several times because he was "worried" about me! Little did he know I was still asleep! I suppose I should have been awake by then really, but, I obviously needed that sleep!

So with half the day gone, my dad came home soon after I was dressed and up for the "day" and we made scrambled egg on toast! Was lovely! But my Dad does eggs well anyway! :)

Ed turned up half way through eating my lunch! Yeah thanks for the warning there! :P

After taking.... hmm, maybe an hour to pack my stuff to stay over Ed's for the night we ventured into town so that he could pick up some last minute holiday bits and bobs! :) Passed one of my friends on the way and made her jump when Ed beeped the horn at her! haha!

We seemed to spend AGES in town with Ed not being able to make his mind up about hats! It was even a WOOLY hat! It's summer! :P

Then a short rest we went out again but this time down to Kimmeridge! :) Was lovely down there. Nice and sunny, but seriously anyone would think Ed was just trying to cause an accident taking a clutz like me along a stoney beach with loose rocks on my left and sludgy slippery stones on my right... Accident waiting to happen I assure you!

We then had tea and watched 500 days of summer! Lovely film! :)

Time for bed now and I'm feeling rather sleepy! Maybe a nice sleep ON Ed will suffice for now :P

Overall a lovely day and amazing company :) Thanks

Night Night xx

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