It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Aaaahaaa I escaped!

Heee heee heeee! Look at me.....I had a FANTASTIC time on our walk this afternoon. We were having a lovely time, I was trotting alongside mum, off my lead, always staying in her sight.....lulling her into a false sense of security.......waiting for her to just feel like she had cracked it with keeping me near her off the lead....when WAAHAAYAAY I noticed the mud flats.....and a path and a gate that I could just about squeeze through.

I was off, running and running, not looking back once at mum who was hollering at me NOOOOOOO Lily. It was fantastic. I climbed down over some rocks (that was a bit scary) then PLOP I was in, but oooops, I didn't realise I would sink. I was heading for the water but realised I couldn't get there because the mud was a thick and sinky. Mum was sprinting down the path shouting for me to come back. I thought about it, looked at her, looked at the water, looked at her and NAH Sorry mum that water is too tempting!

Just as mum started climbing down the rocks herself I decided I wasn't too sure about the mud after all. I was a bit worried why I just couldn't run across it and I kept sinking. It was up to my tummy nearly. So I turned around and ran back up to mum. Who was very very out of breath and a bit cross. Especially because I had only had a bath at the weekend and now I was covered in stinking sea mud. Hee hee.

You see, I have been planning this for a while now, I saw this journal entry of Molly the gorgeous Collie and I thought it looked like SO MUCH FUN. I tried to get in as much mess as her but I didn't quite manage it.....Maybe next time........You can't see from the picture but I did have it all under my tail and bum and under my chin too!

On the way home I was still feeling mischievious so I decided to jump up to peer over the back seat at mum from the boot, then I climbed over and sat on the back seat, just looking at her whilst she was driving. So of course, I have covered the whole car in stinking mud now too. Hee Hee hee. What a FAB day I have had :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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