Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Remora or Suckerfish.

Twice I've tried to write this and both times somehow I've deleted it. Idiot.

Anyway, this is a Remora or Suckerfish, and yes it is swimming upside down!!

They have a suction pad on the top of their head which allows them to attach themselves to a large object, like a shark, and then they eat all the scraps of food that the shark misses.

Usually, they are quite thin fish, but this one's a bit of a fatty, so obviously gets a lot to eat!!

Today was really mild 16C (61F) when I went to work, and reached 24C (75F) by mid-day. Lovely day, and quite busy as well.

(I'm sure my other write- up was much better. Should've stuck to the flower I was going to blip.)

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