No Static

By nostatic


What a difference a spot of sunshine and some uniformity makes.

If all the releases from yesterday's record label were removed from my music collection there would be a gaping hole, if you then removed those bearing the Domino records logo things would start to get very thin on the ground. Domino have struck the balance between the big hitters (Franz Ferdinand, Arctic Monkeys), those in the middle (Pavement, Four Tet) and the outsiders (Clinic, The Pastels), they've even got The Fall on their books at the moment. I think they've got the balance just right and I'm pretty sure they use the money generated by the bigger artists to develop those artists outside the public eye, which is a sound approach. From a roster the size of Domino's it's hard to pick just one artist, I'll avoid those already mentioned and give you a little gem from Will Oldham.

Domino also tried their hand at publishing a couple of journals, but those seem to have fallen by the wayside which is a pity given the quality of the writing.


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