It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Boy it's hot!

Wasn't it hot today? It was lovely out on our walk but I did have to stop and lie down a couple of times for a rest. It wasn't me being stubborn....honest!

Thank you for all your comments yesterday which made me a picnic spotlight star! I was very chuffed and so was mum. She said it was worth loosing that bit of cake ;-)

Do you know, I haven't got up to ANY mischief today. Honestly, I'm not lying, you can ask mum!

It has been a really busy day because we are getting ready to go away for the weekend to stay at Aunty Eve's house in Cornwall and look after my little cousins whilst they are away. Yippppeeeeee, I am sooooooo excited!

Mum and dad say they will have their work cut out for them with 2 under 5's and a crazy puppy! Its lucky that we are meeting Casper & Stanley on Saturday, they can help me play with them :-) I think they will need to help me because mum and c&s mum will be too busy chatting to play ;-)

We CAN'T WAIT to get away. Daddy is finally home, he's been away all week and we've missed him. It will be sooooo nice to have family time!

So we are sorry if we don't have time to comment over the weekend. We will try and I will try to blip everyday but may have to backblip on Sunday night if we are too busy.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. It's summer at last!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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