
By PrimeMart

Devon Know's How They Make it So Tasty#2

Still in the West Country!

Afternoon DIY strawberry cream tea, except Chardonnay replaces the tea.

We had some dispute whether you put the clotted cream on before, or after the strawberry jam. I have Cornish roots and favour cream after the jam. Tracey being a Devonshire lass, insists that the jam goes on top. In the interests of blipability, I let her win the argument this once.

In other exciting news... having tried on all that M&S could throw at her without succes, Tracey, accompanied by Dozy went to her special bra shop in Tavistock. Jacca did not want to go.

Instead he suggested taking me for lunch (at my expense of course) to grandad's favourite cafe where 'the girls wear tight tops and you sit back and enjoy the view.'

So what was i to do??

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