No Static

By nostatic

Chemikal Underground

A stroll up to the innocent railway with jaybroek revealed a number of potential blipping spots to be revisited another day. There was a great beaten up caravan, which would have lent itself nicely to my record label theme, but since I don't own or like anything on the Static Caravan label it felt a bit like cheating. Plus this is a much better shot.

Chemikal Underground was responsible for booting the Scottish music scene back into life during the mid 90's. I pretty much bought everything they put out for a good few years and still think of the label as a marker of real quality. The best band on the label, also happen to own the label and that's the Delgados who intially drew me in with their obsession with cycling and then bowled me over with their beautiful tunes.

* yes an underground tunnel is tenuous, but the little dot right at the end is a cyclist. It might even be Pedro Delgado, but I suspect it's probably the woman who shouted at me and jay.

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