an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


There is no way to describe the feeling of standing around the 2011 Texas 4000 For Cancer team on Day Zero, following them all over town, from campus to Livestrong to Jack & Adam's, knowing you will never be able to rewind, go back, experience it all over again.

At Livestrong, I presented our $15,000 check to them from the 2010 team. We still need to present checks to UT BME ($90,000) and MD Anderson ($175,000). I am so proud of what we accomplished, yet so excited for 2011.

It was weird though, to watch all this with a few of my teammates, knowing we are officially old news, done, never going to be able to go back. Reliving glory days, forgetting hard feelings. Friends for life. T4K changes you personally, but also never lets you go. I came from Boston, MA for this event, more or less.

I couldn't miss it.

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