wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


Don't know when I've got a break until, sometime in July I think. Right now, don't really care. Because today's exam was just as straightforward as promised, and that's a good feeling.

Here's another carpark shot, a typical case of quickly snapping something, then realising I could take my time for once, and taking lots of photos of raindrops looking pretty on plants, then deciding this was tbe most interesting of them all anyway. But That's what holidays are for, flaffing around with cameras and things.

So now I'm sitting back, with my feet up, watching some TV, thinking about all the things I probably should do - vacuum, bake something, clear up my room, etc etc. But just a little time off first. :)

Normal service will resume shortly, I will catch up with comments sometime. Maybe. Thanks for all the encouragement!

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