Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould

Cow's Lick

Contrary to what my most recent blips my suggest, I am not some creepy, cow-obsessed guy. It's just that they are my only neighbours. I think they are starting to get used to me now, too. Today they didn't trample over, but, rather ambled over slowly as a group. As if to say "oh it's him again". I got a few snaps and left them be and carried on with my efforts in finding the Eathie fishing bothy.

I walked for about half and hour in the general direction of the ocean. Unfortunately, I came to a sheer cliff with no obvious way down. I walked along it for a while, leaning over occasionally to try and spy out a path down. I was half expecting some bible-clutching, polo neck wearing good Samaritan to rock up: "Erm, hello there! I hope you're not thinking of... you know... are you?"

I did actually get pretty nervous at points. I didn't have appropriate footwear for one, and I was listening to music full blast. I mean, I didn't want to become some sort of headline.

ROSS-SHIRE MAN FALLS OFF CLIFF: belongings found on body include silly shoes and a small brown notebook that seems to be filled mostly with cow-orientated snippets of writing. Suggest his only friends are of the bovine persuasion

I never found the bothy.

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