The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Reach for the sky

The Skein of Geese that now welcomes you to Kinross.

I really like this scultpure a lot. This group has just been erected by The Kinross in Bloom trust, sculpted by local artist David Wilson. Made from Copper and stainless steel, it look wonderful in the morning light. I hope it stays in the sky for a very long time.

It's Mr.R's birthday and a cake is still to be decorated, but has been baked. The cards have been opened, but he has a dilema.

He has a place at Uni this year to do engineering, but his offer for a job with education at college to achieve the same degree has just dropped through the letter box. It's tempting his, but the salary is very low and doesn't give him a big enough carrot.

What will he decide?
What should he do?

Reach for the sky my son.

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