The Gift

I received a gift on that faithful day
One which I know I could never repay,
God came down to me to say
He just gave one of his Angels away.

Little did I know, the joy this would be
To prove to him and make him see,
That this angel was my destiny
Of that I'm sure, a guarantee.

To hold her forever and never stray
To be there to comfort her pain away,
To see her through even the roughest of days
And teach her to be stronger along the way.

I was told from a friend of mine
That God had given me the gift of time
Confused, I asked him to define
And what he said never left my mind

He said to watch her as she sleeps
It was then it became so plain to see,
How time stands still when she is next to me
Whether in my arms, or in my dreams.

Now watching each day as you grow
The changing of features from head to toe,
The smiles and giggles that make you glow
And the way you let your spirit show.

So, I'll make a promise to you now
To raise you the best that I know how,

Love you, Katie xxx

(© Madi N Mikala's Mom)

19months 30 days
We've not had a mummy and katie photo for ages (and almost never had one blipped - the closest effort was exactly 2 months ago) so we've been playing on the self timer, which is great because Katie thinks its hilarious that I scoop her up, dash to the sofa before the camera beeps and flashes.

We had her little friend henry for the morning today. We went to Munchkins for an hour before we headed to the Teddy Bear's Picnic. Lots of songs, stories, food and dancing. She wanted a bit more lunch when we got home before asking to go for her sleep.

When she gets up, I've said we can go to the park to play in the stream because she was rather put out that she actually failed to find a puddle to jump in today

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