Snapshots of reality

By ktbm


[Having had an encounter with the DCIM virus, all photos of India from this point forwards are backblips!]

Today was a day of travel, and not much else. We set off from Udaipur on a sleeper bus at around 7pm, and arrived in Delhi at 9am the next morning in the middle of nowhere. An auto took us to the bus station, which was being refurbished and so was incredibly confusing! We managed to book a bus to Haridwar and nipped over to McDonalds for breakfast - where else do you go at 9am on a Sunday morning in Delhi?? The 7 hour journey was...interesting. A cramped, hot bus stopping and starting all the way there, where we were conned out of 100Rs by a cycle rickshaw promising to take us to the Vikrams to Rishikesh (a 5 minute walk). Next was us piling into a Vikram with 13 other people, so I sat in the front next to the driver where he proceeded to try to grope me for the entire journey...

From Rishikesh we found another auto to take us to Surya, but ended up at the wrong Surya and had to get another to take us right up the river to the footbridge. We finally found our hotel after 27 hours of travelling and pretty much collapsed!

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