Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Bald Eagle!

This morning I took the camera with the 250mm lens in the Dory for a row "to see what I could see". Not sunny enough for the seals to display themselves on the rocks, no shorebirds that I could find, and then I spotted Mr Eagle in a tree not too far up from the water. Got a good picture of him (actually don't know if it's him or her - the females are larger...) and then when he took off I was ready for once with the camera with a fast enough speed. I was so pleased- I got 10 decent shots of wings in all different positions so it was hard to chose, but this shows a bit of top and bottom, you can count the primary and secondary feathers. Of course, I COULD photoshop in a beautiful blue sky and it might be more dramatic and allow you to see his tail better - as it was I "burned" the tail a tad and decided that this sky is much more typical of the NW. And maybe I could think of some artistic thing to do with the background, but I was so tickled to be able to see his clear eye,(I've been complaining about my lens which I think is not so bad as I I'll stop.) so here you have the stark real thing.
There is a pair we hear all the time but we are not sure where the nest is. The people across the bay think it's on our side and we think it's on their side. They should be very busy right now feeding the baby who will fledge in mid July. these birds were on the endangered list for a long time but are making a considerable comeback- some think it's tentative.

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