"One of those days"

20 months + 1

Katie had a fall yesterday. Into a chair. Hence the bruised eye. Scared me more than her, but it's bothering her today a bit. And you can really see that it was the leg that she fell straight onto.

Today started really early. We were out the house at 6.20 to H&A's and of course typically, I had to get Katie up, when often she'd be up for then anyway. It was better than H&A both being wakened, as they normally sleep til 7.30 and 8.30 respectively. But neither did. Both were up at 7 despite late nights. That said, they were both good.

I did think Katie was just being really clingy, she refused to shift from my knee or hip for anything. And wouldnt eat. Not even little oranges which are the fail safe at the moment! But I took them all to tea and toast and within ten minutes, Katie had curled up and gone to sleep on my lap. When she woke up, she cuddled back in and nearly went back to sleep.

We were only having the boys for the morning, so when we left them, we round to see Noah and his mum. We had a lovely lunch at their house, but Katie barely ate anything. She was pleased to see Noah though, and it was a nice time. She was just not quite right. The main purpose of going was so Noah's mum could try him in Katie's carseat to decid whether to buy one. Noah LOVED it straight away.

I took Katie swimming to try cheer her up. And it helped. For a good while, maybe 40 minutes, she was herself. She shouted "sarah" when she saw her swimming teacher doing a baby class. She was loving jumping off the mat, swimming on her own some- going under the water and kicking up to the surface, giggling away. But she reached saturation point and nearly fell asleep in the shower afterwards. I'd not strapped her into the car seat before her eyes closed. She's running a temperature and is just laying on her cushion pile watching wiggles.

So its been a day of lovely things, and Katie's tried really hard to enjoy it, which made me very proud. But she clearly isnt quite right. Get better soon, my little lady xxx

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