Rifling Around

Daddy Daycare - Day 10 - Last Day!

A really fun day with Miss42 today, who was in a good mood from the moment she woke up.

This afternoon Mrs42 had a half day so all three of us went to Almond Valley to see the animals and to play on the trampolines etc. Miss42 loved it - she loves exploring and is getting much steadier on her feet.

Alternates (sorry for all the links):

> Walk this way

> Laurel or Hardie?

> Bouncing with Daddy

> Marching

> What does sand taste like daddy?

After all that walking and toddling around she was pretty knackered tonight. Time for us all to have homemade pizza together and then a quick bath and bed.

I've really enjoyed my two weeks of daddy daycare, although (as expected) it hasn't been a holiday... I'll miss her when I'm back at work next week.

Night all.

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