Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

M.I.A Mia

We all have people in our lives that mean the world to us. They might be near, they might be far. They might be family, they might be honorary family. Today's entry is dedicated to one of those priceless people... And for the first time, I am actually going to use a name in my entry.

Mia. We formed a friendship because of our shared artwork at and it quickly became apparent to us that we are one soul in two bodies. Distance hasn't stopped us becoming, ironically, inseparable (she lives in the USA, while I am in Australia). So inseparable, that we call each other 'sister'. We truly are like sisters. I'd give just about anything to spend even just one measly day with her. She means that much to me.

Some people think it's a little weird, becoming so attached to someone so far away... Ah well, Mia and I ARE weird. I like what we have, even though at times it does get frustrating and a little sad, being unable to give her a hug when she's down, and vice-versa. It's something all humans seek. A kindred spirit...
It just happens that mine is on the other side of the world.

And that is where today's photo ties in. With my recent urges to draw and paint, Mia asked me to draw her... * GULP *
I'm really not any good at portraits. I can use something as a reference. But I cannot replicate someone. I warned her that whatever I drew/painted wouldn't look like her, but it would be obvious to her that it was based on a photo of her that I love... And what you see is that drawing.

Without trying, Mia gives me confidence, so I was brave (or perhaps stupid, I'm yet to decide) with this. I did the orange wash first, then patiently waited for it to dry... Which translates as I couldn't be bothered waiting at all, so I used my hairdryer. Then drew this in charcoal (without the anti-smudge spray), without first using a soft pencil to guide...
It doesn't look anything like her, as I warned her. But, she likes it. A lot.

So, hopefully, one day, I'll get to see her, and give her a HUUUUUUGE hug. Until then, I'll just hold on to what we've got... My slightly M.I.A Mia.

"Hold on to what you've been given lately.
Hold on to what you know you've got."
~Hold On - KT Tunstall

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