Rich Dyson

By EdinImage

Never the obvious

The Weekend Blip Challenge topic for this week is Curves and within minutes of the e-mail coming out announcing the theme there were e-mails from some of my friends looking forward to me producing an image of one of the models I work with displaying their curves and me pushing the boundaries of avoiding yet another Blipfoto suspension.

However, I am afraid my take on the topic for this week is going to disappoint some as instead I headed out to the coast near England where I was looking to capture the Curve of the coastline as it switches from northward facing to eastwards. My end image has the inlet entering the North Sea curving from the bottom of the picture.

I am often asked how I get the huge differentiation in colour of these type of images and have to confess it is down to some Photoshop jiggery-pokery and in this instance I did indeed Jigger and Poker - the name of the feature that allows me to do this? Curves of course!

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