Mandy's Snaps

By mandyarmstrong


A sunny Monday morning, and we've been given back a little slice of summer. What a welcome reprieve from the dull and dreary stuff we've had lately. Obviously, we will all be complaining that it is too hot by the end of the day, but you can't have everything.

I've taken the easy option, and raided the fridge for inspiration today; mainly because I really need to get some work done, and shouldn't be wandering around with my camera all day. It's going to be a bit of a difficult week to dedicate myself to work, with Hannah at home on Wednesday (inset day), and then Hannah and Tristan at home on Thursday due to industrial action by the teachers. Poor Elliot has to go in as normal; but he hasn't far! We'll see how how is on Thursday morning, particularly if it is still hot.

On behalf of the Jelly Babies and their continuing adventures, I would like to thank you all for helping them to make the Spotlight yesterday. I'm amazed that so many of you seem to share my ridiculous sense of humour :-)

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