
The piledriving of the flarejacket is completed now, and that means it won't move anymore until abandonment of this field in the future. Now it is time to check if everything is built as expected or designed. It is called an 'As Built Survey' It is for instance meant to check if the pipes which will be connected between the Flare and the platforms are still designed correctly and if this jacket will be delivered within the prescribed criteria. It is done from a distance from the float-over jacket.
On the left you see triangular plates welded to the jacket, these plates are called crownplates and it is obvious why they are called that way. The function of these plates is to secure the piles of the jacket with the jacket itself. Behind the crownplates you'll see the pile and underneath them you'll see the jacketconstruction. Crownplates are used to weld both together.

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