Bob's Great Day

Today Bob got to play hooky. While I had plasmapheresis, he went with my good friend and her niece to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Earlier in the week, we had brought out our books on Egypt and the Middle Ages, to make sure Bob was fully prepared. While he liked the museum, he liked the Egyptian playground next to the museum better. And when he returned to the playground with his new gladiator armor, all was great in his life.

When we were walking through Grand Central Station at rush hour, Bob insisted upon wearing his full armor (I kept the sword in the bag) and I could just see how much he enjoyed the attention of the tourists and commuters, surprised to see a Gladiator in their midst.

He had such a good day, that he refused lunch. I bought a box of mini black and white cookies, which he nearly inhaled until I stopped him for fear of explosion. I was sure he would nap on the train, because he looked exhausted. Instead, we were joined in the seat by a 6 year old girl and her mother and the kids became immediate friends. Here he is as his friend just left the train at her stop. He had that beaming look all the way home until he crashed.

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