
By Jee

These girls fall like dominos.

Nothing like a bit of domino's to pass the time! Havn't played domino's for ages and opened the box to find a piece of paper saying 'Hello Carrot Head' haha, that was written by my grandad from I don't know how long ago! Seeing that message made me smile :') He always calls me carrot head because when I was younger I was obsessed with carrots, eat them like they were going out of fashion! I love my grandad <3
Had a golf leadership thing today- made sure I bought lots of sweets for the day. A huge bag of fruit pastels for both me and I, a double decker for me and a bag of sour skittles for I. Some of the kids today were mental! Our first group we took the teacher came over and said 'That girl M over there has very bad behavioural issues so she may be a bit of trouble. I won't be able to com with you but if shes too much trouble come and find me'- Yeah in this HUGE field I'm going to find you! Great! And some of the other kids are soo stubborn. I had to try not to loose my temper! haha. Anyway a good day all in all- only two lessons after! Had kickboxing after school and dad told me he'd be late picking me up because he has to tape tennis for mum who is actually at home. But i managed to make a little deal out of it! Mum said because i'd have to wait she'd promise to buy me a big bag of chocolate- which she did. Dad didn't know... and promised to make me pancakes... which he did- SCORE! haha a very fattening day :)

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