Lali's World

By Lali

A beautiful sunset from the boat


Today I started my journey to the Shetlands. Had to take a bus to Dundee, then another one from Dundee to Aberdeen and then the overnight ferry to the Shetlands.

Somewhere on the way between Edinburgh and Dundee, there was an accident on a roundabout which made our bus follow a diversion. Made it to Dundee one and a half hours later. Luckily, all buses were in the same situation, so the bus to Aberdeen was late as well. Thank God there was a big gap between my bus and the ferry, and I didn't miss the boat!!!

At this stage the weather was not too bad, just a bit cloudy. Once on the boat, I went outside and I enjoyed the fresh seaside air and just relaxed looking at the sea while we were going away. I saw this beautiful sunset while onboard!

Didn't have a very good sleep though. Those reclining seats should recline a bit more, I think!

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments stars and favourites for my cake blip! Sorry I didn't get back to you, but I only had my mobile phone internet which uses a lot of battery, and it's a bit slow! Planning to visit all your blips and comment when I get back!

Hope you all had a nice day! :)

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