The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

She Always Makes Me Smile

This beautiful Song Thrush has become a regular visitor to the garden the past week or so. She must have chicks as she is collecting worms and flying off with them.

I must admit I am totally paranoid about her now. I have done all that I can to stop the cats in the garden jumping out on the ground feeding birds. All the shrubs have bramble cuttings under them, and by and large it seems to have worked. That doesn't mean, every time she doesn't start rooting around near the borders I watch through gritted teeth.

She also had a tête a tête with a Jay yesterday in the woods beyond the garden. As a corvid a Jay will predate a nest with chicks, but they are not as persistent as jackdaws or magpies. Hopefully her brood will be successful, as Song Thrushes are one of Britain's most beautiful birds.

The scope came today. I need to get a T Bracket adapter for my Sony to attach it and do some digiscoping. If it would only stop raining for more than a day I could take it out and about. I was going to Slimbridge today, but there was no hope in the weather we had this morning. There is always next week!

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