D'aicí enfòra

By chaiselongue


To the airport this afternoon to take E to catch her flight home after a wonderful few days which went too quickly but left many stored happy moments to last until she's here again.... which is in just a few weeks' time.

These are some of our first jars of purée made from tomatoes from the garden this year - a little taste of summer to store for the winter.

Recipe: cut tomatoes in half or quarters depending on size, put them into an oven tray, sprinkle with salt and add herbs if you like, put them in the oven at 180 C for about an hour and a half. When they look slightly roasted and they've shrunk a bit put them through a mouli legumes or a sieve to remove the skins. Put the purée in a pan with a dash of vinegar and a little more salt and simmer for about an hour, depending on how concentrated you want to make the purée. Pour into sterilised jars and cover with a little olive oil. They can be stored for at least a year. We make about fifty of these jars (each of which contains the reduced pulp of a kilo of tomatoes) and use them all through the winter.

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