
By PrimeMart

Una Chica Grande

Sitting on the bed her mum and dad sleep on when they come over, right on the spot where Puppy the Puppy did a large wee yesterday.

She took great delight in ringing madre y padre and telling them about the naughty perro.

In the interests of equality, una chica pequenita can be seen HERE

In other exciting news.... whilst taking youngest bruvver to the train station in my father's automatic old man's car, I had to swerve and break violently to avoid a dumb pheasant.

After removing my bruvver's forehead from the windscreen I pressed the accelerator to resume my chauffering. Nothing happened. I stomped harder on the pedal, and harder again cussing Korean technology.

I looked down to check and noticed I had been stomping on a torch which became dislodged in the evasive manoevers.

I am unsure if the torch still works!

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