Little Bird, Big Thanks

Best viewed with a big thank you, large!

Well... I'm speechless! I am so totally overwhelmed by all of you! I must say when I posted my 365th yesterday, I had to go & lie down in a dark room to get over it, an hour later, I went to check my blip & was stunned by all the comments & then they kept coming - I'm half way through my thank you's, there's so many of you to thank, I'll get there in the end...

But of course Lil Larry deserves the thanks too, I spent a good half hour with him earlier today & he was flitting through the willow trees at the end of the garden, I swear he was playing, he was catching flies, jumping through the branches, showing off his skills, like a little performing monkey, then his performance ended with him landing on my head & standing there for a minute or two... trouble is there is no-one around with a camera to take this! When I told him about all the massive response, he lookedshocked! It took me quite by surprise as I couldn't get his open beak in focus! But then he calmed down & showed me he is beginning to look like a real proud almost grown up robin!. I've been out this afternoon & missed him when I got back, I've called his name, but he was taught well, he's obviously gone to bed early! ;-)

It's something I must do tonight, I've decided to go to the North Devon Agricultural Show - so tomorrow either expect another cow, a sheep, a goat, a horse, or all of them together in the main ring... weather looks good! I love agricultural shows, I'm in heaven with the cows!

Thanks again everybody, this really is a fantastic place & I really feel I'm amongst really good friends :) xxx

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