The flowers are still going strong

Pity I'm not at home most of the day to enjoy them ;-) They're lovely to walk in the door to see though.

Unusually I'm ahead on my projects at work. The site that goes live Friday is ready for final checks tomorow. Another site is ahead of schedule and another is back where it should be. It's a fantastic place to be.

Today we stopped a few times and talked about possible by-lines for Christchurch. In the past we've had "The garden city" followed by the ill-conceived "The City that Shines" (reminiscent of a cheap polyester suit).

The contenders included "Moving with the times" and "Flatter than you'd think". Yes, a fair amount of black humour but that's part of how we cope.

I'm off to see my parents early next week. Suddenly I have a lot to do outside of work. I'll do my best to post comments but no promises.

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