Clark Tales

By cclark

Jay Walking

Today's Pic was a very hard one, one I asked Jay to help me out with but even he struggled, here's the alternate. Jay loves this horse and hopes to have one like it in a few years, to complement his dogs, and fish in his pet life. Tonight was a chance for us to catch up and for Jay (aka Va Jay Jay) to let off some steam and vent on a walk with Yoshi and Rocco, the dogs. And caught this fly fisher x

We headed to Loch Ore Meadows, where we had an equally beautiful and emotional walk a few weeks ago. It seems to be the place to do these things, and why the hell not!

The start of my day was spent having a coffee with my preggers friend Caleigh, before some chill time in the flat cleaning an more washing, before heading for the hair cut of the year from the infamous Mandy. How she has got away with not being blipping in this past year, I do not know. Guess I will have to keep blipping past 365 to include all those in my story. I know I have lost my blip mojo lately but I don't know that I could live without it. I keep thinking when I'm back at uni in September I won't be able to find the time, but how can this be true, for most of last year and when I started blipping I was working 7 days a week, so.....who knows, lets keep taking it one blip at a time!

Thanks for your gorgeous mind Jay, and I'm forever your friend - yuk emotions lol x

PS most funny moment of the day, Wikipedia your name, especially if its Gemma - then roll around the floor at the things you find out you are and what you are calling yourself everytime someone utters your name! x

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