An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Waiting on DART

Here I am waiting for the DART light rail. Those on th upper level are waiting for the same train.  Those below are sitting in the shade waiting for a bus.  Sort of a lazy day for everyone.  No one seems to want to be running to catch any of the buses or trains.  The buses and trains are running slower so why rush.  You probably missed your connection anyway.  That is unless you were lucky like me.  My light rail train was late.  But so was my TRE train.  So for me it came out in the wash.


Of course, I am more fortunate than some of these folks.  I have an air conditioned sports car that I could have driven but chose not to.  I grumble about the heat and the lateness, but I am a willing participant in this migration from home to work and back.  Further, if I am late for work, no one cares.  I don't get docked any pay.  No one gives me warnings.  If I don't get home on time, all it means is that I eat a little later.  No kids at the day care.  No second job to rush to.


Tonight, I am meeting some friends at the tavern in our building for a few beers.  Then go to a concert in the park with these and more friends to drink more beer.  Will be riding my road bike tonight.  Good to be back in the saddle.  Even if it is a little toasty. 

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