While on my runs

By waipushrink

Dawn across the Waitemata

A morning run again today, leaving before dawn and heading down to the waterfront and around Westhaven. On the way there I checked at 10 minutes and got a couple of quite nice shots of the dawn sky behind central city buildings, from Western Park. Would have been quite satisfied with that had I not been the happy recipient of a great dawn sky as I ran along Westhaven Drive.

This, the very last one I took on the edge of the Waitemata Harbour. about 15 m east of the Harbour Bridge, is my pick. To me it shows Auckland in one of its best guises.

Rangitoto Island dominates the scene as it does the Waitemata. The greater darkness of the North Shore extends right across in front of Rangitoto. The calm water of the Harbour is reflecting a winter dawn. Even at this relatively early hour a number of boats are out on the harbour.

I find this water scene restful and peaceful and beautiful. Soothing to my soul.

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