Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Redneck Kitty Playground?

We've explored the undignified nature of the redneck kitty playground (not located at Annie's Cottage) on many occasions.

Father's Day
Milo in the red Dutch shoe
Reflections of Milo and Boston Blackie
Felix and her babies, now gone missing except the big yellow one on the right. Felix has gone too, sniff sniff

Well, you get my point. It is one adventure after another, and right now we seem to have kittens in the back yard right now from 3 different moms, but only one of the moms remains. Cats have been disappearing, sad to say.

This morning, however, Joshua (the yellow one in the foreground) and one of the newest additions , still unnamed, curiously looked on while a deer couple had a 'date' in the back yard. The deer started off perched on the satellite dish. The cats gathered around watching them and trying to get close. Then they wandered over to the wind mill spinner thingy and got all cuddly with each other while the cats looked on. Some of the shots taken were not rated for prime time. Well, let's just say it was an interesting time in the kitty playground! Sort of like kitty satellite TV!

Sorry for the poor quality. This was taken through the window. The dirty one...

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