Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

It's what you do with it that counts

My carrots have been quite disappointing over the last couple of years. When I started growing them I had a lot of success with many thick harvests, but recently I have had short, stubby ones that are forking a lot. I have removed stones, so think I need to grow spuds for a season to break up the soil. Non-root veg are doing OK though.

I pulled up a few to show the mother-in-law how they were doing. Some of the tops were poking out and they looked very promising, a nice diameter. However, they were very tiny when pulled - not showers or growers ;(

This one was nestled next to one of the decent ones and so had it tough when it came to water, light and nutrients. Would make a very good garnish for a posh roast dinner though - might try to breed them for this!

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