
By katish

Well, here we are at the first blip milestone :) Hooray! Thanks for reading, folks. I hope to keep this up especially as I move out across the country. Big move begins this Saturday and the preparations continue. Cleaned the car (Markie, I will post a photo of my car at some point although I can't claim that it's very exciting. Honda Civic after all lol.), ran loads of errands, and met up with some friends to play Settlers of Catan. These are some of the pieces from said game. I can't say that it's my favorite game, but maybe it's because I never focus enough on a strategy to win. This is especially true when playing with Eric and Wayu who are die hard competitors :P Love them though, and I suppose that's why I keep playing.

I can't believe I am leaving on Saturday. Where does time go?

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