
By katish

I am taking on the packing process, and I have to say that packing really is not much fun. Within the past four years, I can't even tell you how many times I've had to pack and unpack my life away. It gets old after awhile. But, I've never had to pack all these bits and pieces of my life from childhood to school years to personal mementos. All of those things have stayed in my room and around my parents' house for years, and I have to say that I honestly have no idea how all of it will ever be completely packed away. I have so many random boxes and I continually find them around my room. A box of memories from younger days, a box from high school...and I can't bear to part with them. Otherwise I'm sure that they would have been tossed years ago.

The things I can't part with are most especially personal notes. We don't receive enough of them, really, and when we do, I feel as though those words can speak across the years. Words of encouragement and love. A note from a friend or a loved one that spoke truth into your life. How can you ever part with those words? You hold them close.

So, I don't know where I'm going to put them. Probably in another box :P

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