Gumboot sort of day

Heavy snow as I left home for work.

Very dodgy road conditions until I got further away from the hills.

Rain, sleet, snow and more rain for the rest of the day.

Oh, did I mention the perishing wind?

Not the best day to shift offices. We were fully packed with some of our stuff already in our new offices, so the official decision to move next Monday was never going to work. We moved ourselves.

The old villa we were working out of was so cold I mostly worked wearing a serious down jacket, fingerless gloves, scarf, sometimes a beanie and always possum skin insoles in my shoes.

Today I took my down jacket off, ditched the hat and scarf and tomorrow I'l leave the possum insoles at home. Yes, a warm single level building with meaningful insulation and heating :-)

Joy of joys we all received new monitors for our dual set up. (The old ones suffered in the February earthquake and we've put up with scratched or mismatching monitors with different colours since). My joy was short lived as my laptop dock power supply died. Sigh, computers...

Gumboots were the order of the day. These belong to one of my colleagues and were the pick of the days lineup.

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