Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Old Enough?

Not the wine, me!

As the first of my 3 bottles of this tipple came rolling down the conveyor belt at the supermarket this afternoon I heard the words "Have you got any ID?" come out of the checkout lady's mouth.

It took me a moment to realise she was talking to me. She explained that they are instructed to ask everyone who looks 25 or under for ID when they're buying alcohol.

Suppressing a giggle, I asked her how old she thought I was. She looked at me again, then said "maybe 26 or 27, but quite possibly 25"!!!!


I got out my driving licence and showed her my date of birth, saying, just in case she wasn't fast with numbers, "Er, I was 40 last month"!!!!

She was gobsmacked! As was I! I certainly didn't think I looked THAT young, but I'm certainly not complaining!!!!

Anyway, apart from losing nearly 15 years of my life, what else have I done today?

Been swimming - 50 lengths.

Unburied my desk - it's still there!

Activated my new bank security doofer - yet another gizmo to lose!

Done an interview with mental health researchers - £10 expenses!!!

Spoken to Scharwenka about Proms - nearly sorted.

Chatted to my landlady - pleasant.

Carried Smudge around in a box - cute!

Done the shopping - looking youthful!

Played with the rats - always lovely!

The Wonderspouse went back to work too, so today has felt a bit more "normal". The world still feels like it's somewhat skewed on its axis after Monday's news, but we're holding it together and keeping going with everything that needs to be kept going with, while also trying to moderate the amount on the calendar so we can keep as much energy as we can in reserve for when we're needed.

The Wonderspouse's work are being very good about flexibility, in case he needs time for parental visiting, which makes life much easier, and, as usual, the Wonderspouse and I pull together whenever anything happens - for us it's the only way.

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