Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Crackled Nails

And so, finally, an empty day. No appointments, no urgent stuff that HAS to be done today, just me in the house, the Wonderspouse at work, and a jobs list. To say that I have done everything on my jobs list would be somewhat inaccurate, but I have managed to do some desk work and some housework, and have crossed a few things off the list.

I've also slept a bit. I think the events of the last week have caught up with me somewhat - this morning I had a headache (unusual for me - I don't usually get many) and I've definitely felt a bit frazzled. However, a couple of naps, some time spent with the lovely rat-men, and soft Mozart Piano Concertos on the CD player have defrazzled me considerably.

Today's blip is, er, of my left hand in a curled up position so as to display my fingernails, which I'm rather keen on today. They're first painted with the base colour, then with "crackle" nail varnish, which has a higher solvent content than normal nail varnish and cracks as it dries. I was introduced to it by the daughter of a friend of mine! You can get various sorts in different colours, which crack more or less, into more stripey or spotty chunks, and dry shinier or less shiny. This one is Barry M's black crackle, which is my current favourite - I always apply a topcoat on my nails anyway so the paint job lasts longer - it also makes the crackle shine!

I never wear make-up on my face, but I do like to paint my nails! Mind you, I like to paint things in general - if we owned our house it would be painted all the colours of the rainbow - sadly the landlord doesn't allow redecoration.

Anyway, time to see if I can cross a few more things off the jobs list. I'm certainly determined to go and remake the bed so that I don't get to that "nearly asleep and the duvet needs putting into its cover" situation later on tonight!

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