happily ever after...

By thir13en

What I Wore

day 2 of the 30 day photo challenge...
today is what i wore....
i wore a white tank top & a pair of too short jean shorts.

Day 1: Self Portrait
Day 2: What I Wore


Found out today that my affidavit that I recently went through a fuck tonne to get, is not correct. I only stated we weren't living together anymore, apparently I needed to indicate the day we separated, if we were ever married, & if we have any dependent children..

these guidelines would've been fine, had i been given them before i went through a lot of effort, travelling & emotional exertion to get said affidavit... but now, shawn doesn't want to see me... understandable.. when I opened the letter I bawled my eyes out. I was so angry. Why did I go through all of it just for it not to be good enough.. why does everything have to be SO FUCKING DIFFICULT for me.

yeah I sound like a whiner, but I have no one to yell at on the other end of the financial aid phone line, so here I vent.

so what if i sound like a whiner. i couldn't give 2 fucks. I dont care how much any one has been through, it doesn't discount what i'm going through right now. so congrats to you for being so awesome & strong. I'm weak & pathetic, and i'll never get my life right. It's just going to be a fucking life long struggle to death.


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