Inside my eye

As I mentioned yesterday I was back to Groovy Glasses yesterday to have my eyes tested.

Most of their equipment was oblitereated in Feb's earthquake and Troods is fine tuning using the new state of the art stuff she now has. I was amazed to have the inside of my eyes photographed and to sit beside her while she looked over what she saw looking for any irregularities and explaining it to me.

Isn't technology amazing? I'm awed to see the inside of eyes (and happy to say neither image showed any irregularity. I have no idea what the machine is called but I did notice it has a Carl Zeiss lens. The mods of course will have to clear this image as there is no exif data.

My eye prescription hasn't changed but the pressure in my eyes has. Troods did a further test but I need to repeat it on Monday when she'll also check the pressure in my eyes. I know what it potentially means but I'll wait to see what Monday reveals and take it from there.

On my return home (late) there was a lovely surprise; the hunter on my door step :-)

This is a back blip on Saturday. I'm heading out to the hunter's place shortly and tomorrow I'll be in the hills with him. Catch you Sunday evening.

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