A time for everything

By turnx3


Its been a busy week. Last weekend we had all the kids home. Jen and Jason left after breakfast on Tuesday, to be replaced by Bill, who was chaplain of our English-speaking church in France for the last three years we were there, and remained there for several years after we left. Now, however, he is back in England. He has been over in the U.S. for three months on a sabbatical. We hadn't seen him since 1998, so it was wonderful to see him again. Laura left to go back to her university town of Oxford after dinner Wednesday evening. Roger took Philip to the airport Thursday morning, and I took Bill back to the airport yesterday morning. So now we are back to just the three of us and it feels really lonely! Fortunately we did have something to distract us this morning. Our church choir has the summer off, but this weekend we start up again, so this morning we had rehearsal, followed by a pot-luck lunch. After that, we came back and got a few jobs done, before going to the outdoor pool at the "Y" later in the afternoon. On the way to the "Y" we stopped for a short walk in the park where I captured this dragonfly. Worth seeing large!

One year ago: Dollar Cove, Gunwalloe

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