A time for everything

By turnx3

Flower with matching butterfly

Another beautiful day, starting with clear blue skies, though more clouds moved in during the afternoon. Temperatures were still pleasant, so definitely a day for a walk outside. I did one of my local walks - to Pioneer Park. I took several shots around the pond, flowers and a large grasshopper on a flower, but I really liked this yellow flower with its visiting bee and matching butterfly against the bright blue sky. When I got home I got a bit of housework done before lunch, then it was off to a hairdresser's appointment, followed by a bit of grocery shopping. I had let my hair get rather long this time, so it feels good to have it short and neater again. My hair is very fine, and when it gets a bit long, it doesn't hold its styling for very long.

I have back-blipped the weekend when we were away camping:

Friday : Evening reflections

Saturday: Covered bridge

Sunday: "Land of the cross-tipped churches"

One year ago: Dragonfly

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