Day One - Vimy Ridge

Euro Tunnel to Calais this morning and with only a drive to Paris ahead of us decided to stop on the way. My daughter had recently visited Vimy Ridge on her school trip and it was something that I wanted to show the other children.

What an incredibly powerful and moving experience, the children were indeed humbled by the memorial to the thousands of lost Canadiens in WW1 and astounded by the remaining bomb craters and trenches. It is impossible to understand what those young men endured and sacrifices that they made...we talked as a family long after the visit about the messages we took away from that place.

Stopped off for lunch in Arras, beautiful town with an amazing centre although we ended up in a play park, kids needed to burn off their energy! We needed to pinch ourselves that we were finally on holiday after a long five year break!

Made it to our hotel late evening and headed out for a meal, as my previous deleted blip showed, small child, long day, late meal equals a child lying down for dinner- charming!!!

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