pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

Ready, aim - fire!

Or grimace if you're the lady holding the flintlock musket on the right. Mind you, if I was holding 5kg of gun that exploded just in front of my nose I suspect I'd do the same! Wasn't until I got home that I realised I'd also captured a very bored looking pikeman.

Another excellent day - church this morning, home to knock up a quick picnic then off to Hamptworth Country Fayre this afternoon.

Some great arena demonstrations, a couple of which Son One got to be involved with. First up was Hampshire Fire & Rescue demonstrating their shiny new rescue truck complete with sled on the back for towing injured large animals to safety (or towing 8 firefighters around in the snow apparently!). Part of the demonstration involved hoiking a ton of sedated horse off the sled, done by two teams pulling on ropes a la tug-of-war. The next one was urban search and rescue - one firefighter and his dog.

Saw some gorgeous birds of prey and watched them fly, had a go at archery (again), Son One had a go at fly casting (again), Son Two yelled a lot because the musket fire was too loud (again). Sampled the beer tent too (rude not to). Home for a traditional Sunday meal of pizza, garlic bread & salad.

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