hello again

By admirer


to go down the hill to make photos of the mist. But first we went to the horses Iore and Blondie to give them some broccoli, apples and celery stem.
Crossing the bridge over the Weser we saw so many spider webs between the bars that we spontaneously made shots of them. A walk round the Haven and along the bank of the river and after that it was almost too hot to climb the hill.
Coffee at the balcony together with Piet Hein, happy to be in the shade.
Yesterday night a heavy thurnderstorm, lightings from sky to mountain tops, impressive vieuws. The poem we read was El Desdichado from Gerard de Nerval, we were glad to have the extended interpretation for the tightly woven sonnet.

The haiku:

Almost disappeared
In the mist of the river
Look and see us go

And the chinese proverb of Lao-Tse:

Misery is but the shadow of happiness. Happiness is but the cloak of misery.

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