Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Cheeky Sparrows

A lovely relaxing day around the house, much too dull to go anywhere apart from a meander around the village with Oscar.

Generally caught up with the usual tasks needing to be done then watched the birds in the garden. A very entertaining occupation , much better than watching TV. All manner of birds appeared today , some friendly and chirpy, some quite aggressive ,extremely greedy and selfish. There was one chaffinch who took over the feeder chasing any bird who came near. The bully had the food all to himself while the other birds waitied for him to b e satisfied.

These three little birds were quite happy to watch and wait their turn . Funny no matter how much I tried there was always one with its back to the camera . This was the most appealing image for me. I quite liked the wee one who had turned away from the others, loved the pattern of the plumage on his back. ( I think they are juvenile chaffinches )
have been told they are sparrows , thanks everyone for that info.

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