Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Going Batty!

"Going Battie", or sometimes "Going Batty", was derived from William Battie, sometimes written Batty. He was an 18th century psychiatrist whose claim to fame was his 1758 publishing on the treatment of mental illness, A Treatise on Madness."

OK, so this is madness! My International Space Station blip yesterday was bad enough, but another bad night shot is simply madness! Sorry, Chippy told me it wasn't worth getting the camera out tonight! I didn't believe him,I push my photography to my limit, I had to try to blip a bat! He was right (but I won't tell him)!

We went out for a meal at Acorn Bank, a National Trust property, followed by a talk on bats and a walk through the woods to observe them. We saw Brown long-eared, Common Pipistrelle, Daubenton's and this Soprano Pipistrelle bat.

I had some lovely rose shots but, I have to be true to myself in my journal, this is the first bat I have ever photographed and the speaker helped me identify a large bat I had seen last night (prior to the ISS) as a Noctule!

Wonderful! I've had such a good evening! Something I've never done before! I remember a time when I could hear bats1

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