Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Got My Eye on You!

It rained most of the day, but in between showers I was able to get about 100 shots of various things. My hubs chose this one as the blip, which is quite amazing since he HATES all winged insects, especially stinging ones. I believe this is some sort of wasp - whatever it is, even the yellow jackets steer clear of it. It likes the hummingbird feeders and this one was quite patient in presenting me with many interesting poses. He even hung out while I switched macro rings several times. I detect a bit of impatience in his eyes in this shot, though...

I also found some lovely reflective raindrops on my day lilies and the teensiest little spider I've ever seen. In fact, I would not have seen him at all had he not been on the arm of one of our white patio chairs. I loved his four eyes!

Tomorrow we are off to West Point where my one and only nephew is getting married. Can't wait to see he and his bride. Will probably blip something quick in the morning before we leave...

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